& CO
Creating something is a lot of work, and I rarely tackle a project alone. Collaboration is key and I find it very important to mention these people. Here, you find some of the talented makers, creators, and builders I’ve had the pleasure of working with.
Buro van Wieren
My go-to support for every that has to be build. Worked on the Do Nothing Machine, Casacadanza and much more..
Jos van den Enden
Wizard of electronics who helped with the lights in ‘Cadeau, Hoezo?’ for Tropenmuseum
Titus Wybenga //
Super builder for all the mechanical systems for the Fantastic Bikes expo for Nemo.
Mary and the Locks
Whimsical illustrator that worked on ‘het collectieve brein’
Eli Hadassi
Magician with fabrics and small objects. Worked on Mechatropolis and The great big whale and more
Wizard of electronics who helped the screens in Wild life and more..
Matrijs van Merg
Maker with a fantastic creative brain who made two marble games for Mechatropolis
Always there for support from soldering to covering a village with acrylic one and a great animator.
Fabio Thomaz
Builder extraordinaire who build the wooden forms of the Dromoscopen and helped with Mechatropolis and many more..
Wizard of electronics who helped with Casa Cadanza, Dromoscopen and more..
M&H exhibitions
Made 5 childerns expositions for the Libary in Rotterdam and great studio mates
Always ready for every laser work I throw at him
Janneke Wing
Beautifull illustrator who can easily translate to 3D. Helped with the Dromoscopen, Mechatropolis and more
Marike Verbist
Fantastic animator who brought the life in the installation ‘Wild life’.
and the list goes on ..